Registration on the exchange
If you are a user
From January 2024, you can open exchange accounts with Binance and Bybit liquidity on the platform. Open an account with the required liquidity or two at the same time. In addition, Bybit can open 5 subaccounts for liquidity.
Having registered at you can register on the Cryptorg.Exchange exchange in one click. Please note that a redirect to our main domain is currently working
You can also use our official mirror
Exchange account management is located at the top of the menu
Click on the account, agree to the rules, confirm the registration by mail
After confirming registration in the account section, you can make deposits and withdrawals, as well as track your own balances
Trade section leads to the exchange terminal

After registration, access to the exchange is automatically created and you can start setting up trading bots.
Switching between exchange accounts with different liquidity
Switching between exchange accounts with different liquidity
In the exchange wallet section or, refer to the switch at the top right

If you are not a Cryptorg user
Register on the platform
You can register from the main page of the platform or from the page of the trading terminal
After registering on the platform, open an account on the exchange
Install protection 2 FA or by pincode, without them it is impossible to open an exchange account