The main parameters in a deal


Deal is a cycle of the trading bot on the assigned to it a cryptocurrency pair. The purpose of each transaction is to profit from the purchase and subsequent sale of a predetermined currency. Bots are not programmed to conduct losing trades. 

If the trade is active, it has the «information». When you click, you see how many orders were executed, how much coins the bot purchased, how much BTC it spent, the estimate of the value at the moment in BTC. 

But the most important is that we have a zero Take Profit level. If we decided to sell at 0 for some reason, we can cancel the transaction in the bot and sell by himself on the stock exchange, putting a zero Take profit.

Below in the screenshot provided the basic parameters of the transactions. 

Each trade has the parameters that we have set in the bot and the status. We can sort trades specifically by the selected bot, by status and by date. 

We can also sort transactions by a specific exchange, if we have several of them. 

Interpretation of the statuses of the transaction:

  • “Completed” means that the transaction is completed with a profit, Take profit is executed. 
  • “Active” means that the transaction is in the active cycle.
  • “Pending” means that the transaction is just beginning, orders are being set and executed on the exchange. 
  • “Frozen” means that the transaction is frozen by the user manually. The bot will stop trading on the exchange. In this case, previously placed safety orders, as well as sell orders are not canceled. 
  • “Reinstall TP” occurs when you manually changed Take profit in the trade, or click the” Refresh Take profit “
  • “Canceled” means that the transaction is canceled manually. 
  • “Error” means that an error occurred while bot operation. Bot goes into error status after 10 tradings to the exchange. You can see the error list following the link – 

When you click on the name of the cryptocurrency pair, we get to the chart from Tradingview where we can analyze it.