The main errors in the work of futures bots
Margin is insufficient
The error means that you do not have enough margin for placing orders. You can see the actual value of the free margin in the terminal in the «Open» and «Close» blocks. Note that open orders that have not yet been placed affect your free margin.
Order’s notional must be no smaller than 5.0
The error means that the bot cannot place an order because it is less than the allowed value.
The minimum order on the futures is counted in coins at the current rate. To see the minimum order, go to the settings of the bot, click in the field of the first order, at the bottom there will be a caption about the minimum volume on the current pair.

You can also go to the terminal of your pair, in the window for opening a transaction is the minimum amount of coins. Enter it, at the bottom there will be a value, multiply it by the leverage. This is the minimum volume of the first order at the current moment. You have to bet with a reserve for the growth of the price.
For example, the minimum order was 6 coins, the price at the moment 1 USDT. This is 6 USDT. After the price has changed on 1.5 USDT. So, the first order should be at least 9 USDT. But it is better with a reserve for growth.
An error occurred when placing a Take Profit order. ReduceOnly Order is rejected.
Open the terminal and see what happens to the order.
Most often the error occurs if you put your limit Take Profit order before the bot order. You can ignore this error if you did it deliberately. For example, you have set a partial closing of the trade to the value of TP. Please note that when you close a deal on your order, the data will not appear in the bot’s statistics. To change the Take Profit value for the current trade, you need to go into the bot and change the value to a new one here:

In addition, make sure that you do not have a second trade of the bot in the same direction on the same pair. If it is enabled, then one must be disabled and cancel the trade on it (by the button in the bot)
Exceeded the maximum allowable position at current leverage.
Exceeding the maximum allowable position with the current leverage. To fix it, you need to reduce the leverage in the trading terminal. And at the same time to see what volume is allowed.

Order’s position side does not match user’s setting.
If you trade on Binance, you need to enable hedging mode in your settings. You must not have any active positions or orders while the hedge mode is set.

If you trade on the Cryptorg exchange, then check if the hedge mode is enabled in the API Management section:

Futures Trading Quantitative Rules violated, only reduceOnly order is allowed, please try again later.
This error means that too many orders resulted in a Binance quantitative trading rule violation (read carefully the possible reasons and possible blocking time)
At this point there is a trading block for your account from 5 minutes to several hours.
You need to reduce the number of orders from the bots and wait until the blocking is removed and the bots can continue working. If you have too many bots, it may be worth splitting them into several accounts.